Amarillo Genealogical Society
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Nearly every school in the country gives students a family tree assignment. The idea is that they can go home and get help from their parents creating a family tree with branches that show their parents, grandparents, siblings and other relations. As an adult, you may want to go back deeper into your family’s past and create a tree that includes past generations. This can help you see if you’re related to famous faces such as celebrities and former Presidents. No matter how much you trust your parents, you can use a DNA test to make sure that your tree is as accurate as possible and that it includes the birth, death and marriage dates of every person.
Last Updated: 18 August 2020
Your source for all things DNA You have several options when it comes to learning about your DNA, KnowYourDNA is the best source for finding all things related to DNA.
Last Updated: 9 June 2022
The idea of doing genealogy research might make you cringe because you imagine yourself spending hours trapped in a library or a town hall as you dig through dusty books and tall shelves. You can now do much of the research that you like from home. The internet made it easy for you to access the public records of town halls and community centers located thousands of miles away. The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Genealogy Those records will help you see where your family came from and whether any of those old legends and rumors passed down through the generations are actually true.
Last Updated: 9 June 2022