Amarillo Genealogical Society
Our Mission
The purpose of the Amarillo Genealogical Society is to promote the study of genealogy throughout the Panhandle area. The society sponsors monthy programs which cover research methods, regional history, availability of records, and ways to store and share the information gathered.
Hours: Amarillo Public Library 
P. O. Box 863, Amarillo, TX 79105
Monday-Thursday 9:00AM - 7:30PM
Friday & Saturday 9:00AM - 6:00PM
Sunday 2:00PM - 6:00PM

Operating Year: January - December 2025

President: Nora Stidham
First Vice-President: Molly Griffin
2nd VP & Webmaster: Rhondelle Blankenship
Treasurer: Gary D. Trook
Secretary: Natalie Barrett
Historian: Karen Schroeder
Parliamentarian: Eugene Griffin
Finance and Auditing: Nell Ollinger
Hospitality: Donna Vejcik
Nominating: Senora Fansler
Program: Karen Schroeder
Publicity: Vacant
Seminar & Conferences: Molly Griffin
Taken by Cindy Wallace 2012 at Palo Duro Canyon